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There is no doubt that we are living in very ‘interesting’ times here. The second Trump administration seems to have torn up all the rules of the international rules-based order, seeking confrontation with both friend and foe alike. This newsletter article will take a look at two major areas of the Toy & Games business which will be significantly affected by both the threat and the reality of Trump’s tariffs.
In 2023, Toy sales dropped by 8% in the USA. That’s a massive drop when compared with historical ups and downs. In the 25+ years I have been in this industry 8% down was the worst market performance in the USA by far. Even during the global financial crisis things were not that tough – the biggest decline I can find, even during the financial crisis was 6%, which bearing in mind how tough things were then, is not actually that bad. But 8% represents a big drop off. And of course that drop off was caused by INFLATION. Coming out of the COVID pandemic, shipping costs saw massive rises, and a host of other factors contributed to the first double digit inflation most of us have seen in our working lifetimes. Consumers HAD to stay lower down Maslow’s hierarchy of needs i.e. they had to choose paying for shelter and heat over the latest cult action figure or doll.
Inflation drastically curtailing consumption is not distant history, we lived this recently. Therefore we would hope that inflation would be avoided to keep economies flowing. Alas, the imposition of blanket 20% tariffs on goods from China, and potentially 25% on goods from Mexico are clearly going to have an inflationary effect. The fact that there is any confusion about this is befuddling. If it costs more to import than it did before, clearly prices will have to rise. Maybe factories & Toy companies can swallow a couple of points each, but there is no way they can absorb 20% and remain profitable enough to reinvest in new products for next year and the year after that. OEM factory margins are not high, so 1-2% would be a significant cut. Retail profits can be quite thin anyway, Walmart reported operating income (aka profit) for fiscal year ending Jan 2025 of 5.2% - that doesn’t leave a lot of space to play with.
There is still some uncertainty as to what tariffs will be actually applied eventually, as the administration flip flops back and forth on the level of tariffs they threaten to apply...but we don’t have long before we hit peak production for 2025, and while there is clearly some toing and froing over tariffs on Mexico and Canada, it seems much less likely that tariffs will reduce on China. Whereas Canada & Mexico will inevitably work very hard to minimise the impact of tariffs on their economies, their lesser economic and military strength will see them work very hard at befriending Trump and his team and will likely see these close neighbours make some necessary if hard to swallow compromises to minimise the negative impacts of tariffs.
China is a totally different kettle of fish. China sees itself as a strategic competitor to the USA. It is unlikely to capitulate, instead, as we have already seen it is likely to try to meet strength with strength by counter tariffs and by making access to China more difficult and less lucrative for U.S. companies. And of course, the reality is that c. 80% of all Toys are still made in China, so that means that the majority of Toys shipping into the USA in 2025 will cost more based on the current status at the time of writing.
Alas I can’t see any way out of that situation under the current administration. We’re almost definitely going to see price inflation affecting Toys in 2025, which as per the laws of elasticity will undoubtedly impact consumption. It’s very hard to quantify the effect of this, but whereas I was previously predicting mid-level single digit growth for the U.S. Toy market in 2025, we can now expect that to be lower.
The frustrating part of this is the lack of strategy, time to plan for change & clear purpose of these tariffs vs the clear fact that they will hurt sales and consumption. Normal everyday American people will be paying for these tariffs alas. I heard a Congress man on a podcast this week talking about walking past derelict factories in mid-America which had left depressed and impoverished communities behind. His view was that tariffs can somehow redress these depressed communities and bring back those long-gone manufacturing jobs. But the reality is that if you look at the macro picture of the American economy vs chasing easy PR wins from particular elements of the electorate, America’s economy has fundamentally and probably irrevocably has changed – by driving price inflation through tariffs, what happens to all those jobs at Walmart (employing c. 1.6million people in the USA), Target (400,000), Amazon (c. 1.6m) and on and on for other retail chains. Don’t those jobs and communities matter?
It’s not just retail though, what about Toy company jobs – don’t they matter? There are more than half a million people working in the Toy business in the USA, and beyond that in consumer products, the phone business, computers and so on there are many millions more jobs. Just like the rest of the world, America’s economy evolved, and those manufacturing jobs where America is competitive remain, and those which don’t have moved overseas, but better paying jobs have been created higher up the value chain – isn’t that what countries and citizens should aspire to?
I’m not an economist, but all the above appears to be patently true if you read a few economists who are well regarded. But let’s not just rely on the opinion of an economically illiterate Toy guy like myself, let’s bring in the opinions of the great and the good:
"If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them".
Adam Smith – (I think he might know a bit about economics)
“Over time they (tariffs) are a tax on goods. I mean, the tooth fairy doesn’t pay ‘em!”
Warren Buffet (current net worth built by financial investing, $155bn)
· “Over the past 200 years, not only has the argument against tariffs and trade barriers won nearly universal agreement among economists but it has also proven itself in the real world, where we have seen free-trading nations prosper while protectionist countries fall behind.
America's most recent experiment with protectionism was a disaster for the working men and women of this country. When Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley tariff in 1930, we were told that it would protect America from foreign competition and save jobs in this country—the same line we hear today. The actual result was the Great Depression, the worst economic catastrophe in our history; one out of four Americans were thrown out of work.”
Ronald Reagan
One final thought here from - if these tariffs are an attempt to protect American manufacturing jobs, then the sentiment is understandable on one level, and it's easy to see how that aim will find populist appeal for certain audiences, but honestly, how many Americans want to work on Toy production lines?
Have any of these politicians visited Toy production lines? How many American workers want to spend 8 hours doing tedious repetitive work like adding one screw on the same product thousands of times a shift? If someone lives in a developing economy where life is much harder, and where jobs are hard to come by, then these jobs might be the best option, but really, I would like to know what percentage of modern Americans would last a week on a Toy production line. I have spent a lot of time visiting Toy factories, and I know for a fact I would struggle to last an hour working on the production line.
For those people in developing countries where life is hard and working conditions can be arduous and unsafe, these are often the best available jobs, because working conditions are protected by the ethical audit requirements our industry rightly insists on, but the idea of the average American 20-year-old wanting to work on a Toy production line is really a total joke! Surely these politicians should be encouraging people to aspire higher than that anyway, and they should acknowledge reality vs populist cheap vote chasing - cheap goods allow for more employment in upstream roles, and that’s a good thing by most measures!
“Tariffs are actually…an act of war, to some degree.” Warren Buffet
It’s possible that the tariffs will subdue Toy consumption to the scale of a few percentage points in 2025. This would not be great, but it’s also not catastrophic. However, one much more dramatic impact of the tariffs will be the acceleration of Toy manufacturing moving out of China. My guesstimate is that China lost c. 10% of the world’s Toy production in the last decade to other countries. But the 20% tariffs on goods from China entering the U.S.A., if they stay in place, will accelerate the ongoing process of geographic diversification of Toy manufacturing. There are longer term trends making this shift an inevitability anyway, we have written extensively about this elsewhere so won’t labour the point for now – you can watch this video if you want more on that:
But tariffs are accelerating this trend of production ebbing away from China in two ways:
1. Strategic - By creating uncertainty and unpredictability, the current round of tariffs and threats of tariffs increase the need among more strategically minded companies to diversify and spread risk so there are fewer eggs in more baskets in uncertain times
2. Opportunistic/knee jerk – currently China is in the tariff spotlight, and as the major global power competitor to the USA is clearly going to be a major focus throughout the Trump administration, and then who knows what happens after that. I don’t remember President Biden rowing back many tariffs on China. So far other Toy producing nations in Asia have not had tariffs imposed, although there have been some threats. I suspect that the furore and diplomatic noise and friction caused with regards to Mexico, Canada & China is enough for the Trump administration to focus on. Important Toy production hubs like Vietnam may have trade imbalances with the USA, but the country is not that strategically important and may fall under the radar unlike China which will be in the headlights throughout. India may also fall under the tariff radar, particularly because the USA needs India to be strong to counter China’s strength in Asia. The reality though with this administration is everything could change overnight, but so far, our Sourcing Consultancy has seen massive uptick in demand for Vietnam, India and anywhere else away from the metaphorical ‘eye of Sauron’ on tariffs.
Change always brings with it the opportunity to lose and to gain. One area companies could focus on is Chinese factories targeting Europe more than they have historically, as the EU has a less aggressive outlook towards China. Moreover, with the apparent rolling back of the U.S. security blanket for Europe, we may see trade flow more freely between the EU and China as Europe inevitably considers building more consistent partnerships.
Our company provides Strategic Sourcing Consultancy, but we also rep factories (we only get paid by one side of the deal so we can operate ethically). We’re going to run through profiles of our key factory partners across the next few newsletter instalments. There is no particular order, so factories, please don’t be offended if you aren’t first!
We represent a Games factory in India which manufactures both cardboard and plastic Games for major global players, as well as art & craft kits and books. They have all the necessary audit compliances inc. Disney FAMA, ISO 9001: 2015, FSC, RBA. To date the company has produced more than 200 individual Game titles for customers across the Globe. Due to location in India, the factory is both diversified from China for companies seeking to diversify supply chain risk, but also due to low labor costs (c. $200 per month for production line worker), costings are at worst competitive, and in many cases offer a tangible cost advantage for customers.
For more info on this factory, please get in touch via the 'Contact' page. (Please note this factory is set up for quite high volumes, so it’s probably not a fit for start-ups).
In the nearly 15 years I have been Consulting for, we have advised hundreds of companies, set up distribution into most major markets and helped to accelerate our client’s growth. For more information on how we can help, check out our services here:
We have a social and own media platform which allows us to directly access c. 25k people in the world of Toys & Games from across the planet, as well our offline relationships of course.
So when a company asks for help in finding their next key hires, it’s normally easy and quick for us to get interested applicants, but then our clients also know that applicants are screened by someone who understands the business intimately, and can spot obvious B.S. – for example, on a recent screening interview we asked a candidate to talk me through how he managed a sales meeting with retailers, and having sat in those meetings ourselves, we assessed his responses not from what sounded good in an interview, but from what we knew would work most effectively having been grilled by the same retailers.
So if you have key senior roles to fill or if you just can’t find someone qualified for a key role you need to fill, go to for more on how we help Toy & Game companies to find great people.
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